Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I did it! Last Saturday I joined 32,000+ other runners, joggers, walkers, costumed superheroes, Indiana Joneses, a man dressed as a giant cockroach, Ms. Pac Man, guys dressed in drag and other weirdoes in the Monument Avenue 10k in Richmond.

I'd be lying it I said it was a piece of cake. It was tough. But I did it. And it felt good to cross the finish line.

I am a little upset at my time, however. I wanted to finish under an hour.

I blame my phone.

My handy dandy Sony Ericsson Walkman cell phone is equipped with a neat little fitness application that I’d been using for my training. It tracked my running distance, calories burnt, time, mph, etc. Really cool, right? Well…not really. Turns out I didn’t calibrate it correctly. It was off by about 0.3/mile. I discovered this at around mile 1 of the 10k, when I looked at my phone and it read “1.3 miles.” I quickly did the math and realized that I’d be running about 2 miles more than I had trained. This put a damper in my run. I think I walked more than I ran those last 2 miles…

After I came to terms with the fact that finishing under an hour was out of the question. I changed my goal. I spotted the cockroach guy about 100 yards ahead of me and was determined to get a better time than him. Turns out, however, cockroaches are pretty fast, what with having six legs and all…

I did end up passing the Ms. Pac Man guy and a guy wearing a diaper, though…so I had THAT going for me.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Our Crazy Weather

So, last week the Richmond area suffered the worst snow storm in more than 10 years. We got 8+ inches of snow. The kids got their first taste of "real" snow. They went sledding, had snowball fights, made snow angels, ate a LOT of snow and generally had the time of their lives.

Our house got hammered. We lost a few big branches and half of a tree from the weight of the snow.

Fast forward one week. On Saturday and Sunday it averaged 80 degrees! We spent pretty much the entire weekend outdoors. And the kids, of c
ourse, had a blast!

Oh...and I snapped this picture of Kristin when she wasn't looking (she's going to kill me). She is really looking all cute a pregnant :-)

We've got only about 2 1/2 months to go before baby #3 arrives. We've been throwing names around. On top of my list is Zelda, but for some reason keeps getting shot down. I think it is a perfectly good name. Kristin does not...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Our Tooth Fairy

Hey. Remember this blog? I sure as heck don't. My laziness knows no bounds!

Anyhoo...Patty hit an adolescent milestone today. She lost her first tooth! OK. She didn't "loose" it per say. More like I yanked it from her gums...blood and all...

She was a trooper though. She didn't shed a single tear. It also probably helped that I put a numbing cream on her gums before I did it.

The tooth fairy is coming tonight! And apparently is much richer than when I was a kid. Rumor has it she's getting $5. Mostly because the tooth fairy's wallet (or purse) doesn't have any smaller bills in it.

That's all I got for now. I'll do my best to try and update this thing more than once every few months...

Peace out.